Kalymnos Prophitis Andreas

High up on the skyline above Skalia, Prophitis Andreas offers beautiful views and lovely climbing on slabs and walls. The rock is mostly good and the routes are long and well equipped. An 80m rope and plenty of quick draws are necessary. The left hand has some hard, and sometimes painful routes with bouldery starts. It is not clear if all bolted lines here have been climbed, but will be 8a or harder. The middle section from the route Prophitis Andreas rightwards contains the best routes.The right hand side has climbs of varying quality. The crag gets the sun after midday, and can be exposed to all but a north wind.

Greece - Kalymnos
Rock Type
Number of routes
South West
In the sun after midday
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick

The first sector you reach has a couple of easier routes and then a set of hard sometimes painful routes out of the overhangs

01 No Credit 5b 20m

The first route, 10m left of the next route

02 Cepasidur 6b+ 20m
03 Pax Alsaciana 7b+ 15m
08 Gruviera 7c+ 20m

Boulder start

09 To Taksidi 7c 20m
10 Torcicollo 7c+ 30m

Again, hard at the start

11 Nemo propheta in patria 7b 30m
12 Senza sosta 7b+ 30m
13 Calliopi 7a+ 30m **

A bouldery start, then pleasant to the top

14 Helleni 7a 30m **
15 Prophitis Andreas 6c+ 35m Gold

The routes now start to improve in quality. The route of the crag is sustained, on perfect rock, never too difficult and well bolted

16 Le talent 6c+ 40m

Harder for the small

17 Pame Roger 6b+ 30m

Slab and then the corner

17e Pame Roger extension 6c 40m
18 Pame Hilti 7a 30m
19 Bonjour viellesse 6b+ 25m
20 Damocles is watching you 6a+ 35m
21 L'armée du Prophéte 6b 25m

Nice rock to the first lower off

21e L'armée du Prophéte extension 6b+ 35m

The extension is thin

22 Thavmasia 5c+ 25m
23 The Lords 6a+ 40m

A long pitch

24 Cima Piccola 6a 37m ***
25 Le retour du Strategie 6a 37m **
26 Tyche 6a+ 40m
27 Philotimia 6b 25m

Steep start then easier on big holds

28 Rien dans la tete 7a 20m

Again a hard start then easier


THE RIGHT HAND SIDE lower down the hillside

31 Tsopanakos 7a+ 30m

A hard start then strenuous to the lower off

32 Ephémère eternité 6c 35m

A long route up the chimney and headwall

33 Le combat des chefs 7a 40m
34 Alzheimer 6b 40m
35 Libertad 6a+ 25m
36 Save the Forest 6b 40m

Wall then slab

37 Just bolted 6a+ 35m
38 Pour notre ami Christian 5c+ 35m
39 Entre nous 5c 35m
40 No extension 5b 35m
41 Serial driller 5c+ 35m
42 Lavraki 5c+ 35m
43 Y a de la pomme 6a+ 30m
44 Y a autre chose Roger 6c 30m

The red corner

45 Dirty Poets 7a 45m
46 Roger de l'Ill 6c+ 100m

A multi pitch route going to the top of the right hand side of the crag. 1) 6c+ 35m; 2) 6b+ 40m; 3) 5c+ 25m; Follow the red marks to descend  

Crags in this region: