
An excellent crag with about 50 routes, mostly in the 7a to 7c range. Stays dry in the rain, but seeps after prolonged wet spells. Well equipped, occasionally fragile rock, helmets recommended at the foot of the crag.

Switzerland - Basler Jura
Rock Type
Number of routes
South West
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick
00 Sector


01 M13 7b+ 15m

Start as for Geröllhalde and climb direct. 7c if started from route 4

02 Geröllhalde des Mistrauens 7a 20m **

A fine technical and strenuous climb. Probably nearer 7a+ than 6c+

03 Rappenfelsspalter 7a 13m **

Follow the wall with past an undercut break with long reaches and then pockets. Hard for the grade

04 Die tosenden Hosen in den toten Hosen 7a 14m

hard for the grade

05 unknown 7b+ 20m

The big roof. Start at the back left of the cave and traverse right along the obvious fault line to join Steinzeit

06 Steinzeit 7a 15m


07 House of pain 7c+ 20m
08 Apres sun 7b
09 Furz in G-Dur 6c
10 Schwellkorper 6a 15m *

6a+ if started on the right

11 Super GAU 7b 15m

technical with a steep top wall

12 Multirun 7c 15m
13 Bicolour, multicolour 7a 30m **

Slight overhang followed by a crack. Traverse right for pitch 2. 7a;7a

14 Express yourself 7b+
15 Eurotrix 7b
16 Gentlemen's agreement 7b+
17 c'est combien 7b+
17z Sector


18 Sliding light 7c
19 Sliding stop 8a

8a first pitch, 6c second

20 Memorial Philippe 8b
21 Dunder Honung 8a+
22 Kakmonstret 8a
23 Vögeli 7b+

The first part to the lower off

23e Vögeli fliegt 7c+

The extension to Vögeli

24 Voici 7c

The first part to the lower off

24e Voici les portes 7c+

The extension to Voici

25 Voila 7b 20m **

technical wall followed by the crux bulge

26 Nono 6c 15m

6c if you stick to the corner, 7a+ if you follow the bolts

27a Noel et Cyprion 6c+ 20m ***

a classic of the crag: Technical, strenuous and with a surprise finish

27b Horse 7b+ 20m

a second pitch to Noel et Cyprion

28 Rollback, Sputnik 7c+

Two pitches, 7b+;7c+

29 NTM 7b 20m **

Technical and sustained wall

30 Meister Proper 8a+

A second pitch to NTM

31 Bienvenu au club 12 7b+ 40m ***

Can be started up Putzfrau. Steep, strenuous climbing, mostly on good holds.

32 Putzfrau 6a+ 19m ***

CLassic corner usually with a carpet and brush at the bottom. Please clean the carpet after use

33 RAP 7c
34 project
35 Qui vivra verra 7c

Exit via 33 also 7c

36 Pas de cadeaux 8a
37 Dernier cadeau 8a+

7c ; 8a+

38 project
39 no name 6c+ 20m

A little loose at the start, then a hard traverse and nice climbing to finish through the little roof and slab

40 no name 7b+
41 no name 8a+
42 Noch 7b+ 20m
43 Vitzli putzli 7a+ 12m
44 Mucus arboricole 6a
45 Pur 6b+

The overhanging wall in the cave to the left of Pilier

46a Replay links 6b+ 25m

A boulder problem start just to the left of Pilier, and keep moving left to the slab with (mostly) good holds

46b Patridiot 6b 15m

Same start as Replay Links but continue direct

46c Pilier 6a 15m

The steep pilla ris hardest at the end. Climbing to the right of this route is no longer allowed.

47 Bleaudjob 7c
48 Chateau Jacko 6b 8m
49 Flachmann 6b 8m

Crags in this region: