Ager - Barranc de Grillons

A large wall in a beautiful setting high above the Ager valley. Barranc de Grillons has mostly technical wall climbing on positive holds, including a few low grade routes. It faces due south and so can get very hot. Bolting is good. An excellent place for the winter sun.

Spain - Balaguer
Rock Type
Number of routes
Range of Routes
4b - 7a, mostly in the 6b to 7a range
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick

EL TRIANGLE. The isolated buttress at the left hand side

A1 Mindanao 4c 20m

At the left hand side of the triangle

A2 Crispy Pata 6a+ 45m

4b; 6a+; 6a+ It is also possible to move right before the first lower off to reach the 2nd lower off. (Morris Dance 6b+)

A3 Hooters 6c+ 45m

The third route on the triangle: 4b; 6c+. Finishes at the same lower off as Crispy Pata, starts to the right

A5 Wikileaks 7a 40m

Start as for Hooters but move right after 5m

A6 Foxtrot 6b+ 35m

Starts to the right of Hooters

A7 Les Abeilles hostils 6b+ 30m

Start as for Foxtrot and move right to the obvious flake



B01 Artitis crack 6b 30m
B02 Sindicato del Globo 6a+ 30m

The corner at the left hand side of the main crag

B03 Rolling Tostones 6b+ 30m
B04 Flai Tunal 6a+ 30m
B05 Cosita Buena 6b 25m
B06 Anticrisis crack 6a 30m
B07 Antiparobilitis 6a+ 30m
B08 Parabolitis Aguda 7a 30m
B09 Libertalia 6b 35m
B10 Duendeando 6b 35m
B11 Antiparkes 6b 60m

6a+ to the first lower off (35m)

B12 Moriaco 7a 42m
B13 Apadrina un Banquero 6c 42m
B14 Guantanamo 7a+ 40m
B15 Marina d'Or 7a+ 40m
B16 Sikkim mon amour 7a+ 40m
B17 Buidasacs 6b 25m
B18 Felix Billet 6b 20m
B19 Els Billet 6c+ 37m

The extension to Buidasacs

B20 Connexio 6a+ 25m
B21 A ne pas rater 6b+ 35m
B22 L'0mbra del vent 6c+ 40m
B23 Long haul 7c+ 40m


C01 Barbarella 7a+ 40m

1st pitch is 6a

C02 Chaufee qui peut 6c+ 40m

same start as Barbarella, at the first lower off move right to join Temps de Crisi

C03 Temps de crisis 6c+ 40m

same start as Barbarella but break off right to reach the lower off of Manila

C04 Prozac 7a+ 20m
C05 Manila 7a 40m

7a to the lower off of Prozac, 7a for the second part

C06 Bombolla Immobiliaria 7b+ 25m
C07 La Batussa 8a 20m
C08 Tarta Tatin 7c+ 20m
C09 Un pou d'Hipocresia 7a 25m *

A steep technical section leads to more reasonable climbing. Same lower off as Panceta. Hard for the grade

C10 Panceta 6b+ 25m ***

Sustained fingery and well bolted climbing just left of the obvious crack at 10m

C11 Papada 6b+ 25m

Just right of the obvious crack at 10m

C12 Muchachada Nui 6b+ 30m
C13 Inyeccion de Liquidez 6b 30m

If you finish at the 1st lower off, the grade is 6a

C14 Le grimpeur grandpère 6a 25m *

The slab at the right hand side before the line of bushes, with a ledge at half height

C15 Unknown 4c 25m

The left hand side of the easier angled slab, past a tree

C16 El expediente X 5c 80m

Three pitches that lead to the top of the crag 4c, 5c, 4c

C17 Canallesca 4b 25m

The third route on the easy angled slabs

C18 Pretty cure 4b 25m

Crags in this region: