
A steep featureless crag of compact limestone in a pleasant location above the Laufen-Delemont valley. The forest provides some shade in summer, and lets the sun through in winter. Climbing is slightly overhanging, mostly on pockets. There are many open projects.

Switzerland - Basler Jura
Rock Type
Number of routes
Range of Routes
7a -8b
South West
All day
Climbing Area
Basler Jura, SAC, Christian Frick

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick
01 Selvaggio Blu 7b

The first route, isolated 50 metres or so before the main section

05 Action Man 8a 30m

The line of bolts just left of the boulder traverse. Follows the central line. Unfortunately chipped

07 Rundu Bodoh 7b+ 25m

The left hand line of bolts just right of the boulder traverse

09 Pflute Route 8a 25m
10 Henkel trocken 7b+ 20m

A good route starting to the right of Pflute Route

11 Im Schatten der Logik 7a+ 15m

Hard to onsight

12 Meine letzte 7a+ 15m

Just to the left of the double trunked tree

13 Papillon mécanique 6c 15m

Climbs the obvious pocketed wall just right of a double trunked tree, with a hard section at mid height. Optimistic for 6c

14 Long John Blues 7c 15m

Hard at the end

15 Generation Y 6c+ 15m
16 Ad Acta 6c+ 15m

Boulder problems

Topo Ref. Title Boulder grade Length Quality Description Tick
06a Tod 8A 5m

The first half of the boulder traverse. 

06ab Todernst 8B 10m

The complete boulder traverse

06b Ernst 7B+ 5m

The second half of the boulder traverse

Crags in this region: