Leonidio Hada

An excellent overhanging crag protected by big roofs in a large gorge. The steep scramble to the bottom of the routes (not suitable for small children) give the climbs that extra bit of exposure. The rock is red limestone, mostly solid on the routes, but there is still lots of loose rock around, so it is advisable to wear helmets at the bottom.

Greece - Leonidio
Rock Type
Number of routes
North East
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick
06 Gastone Duck 6c 22m **


07 Medusa 6a+ 15m **

A nice warm up route slightly up and to the left of the main ledges. First pitch is 6a+, the second a project

09 Brownie 6c 20m **

The left hand side of the main ledges

10 Skilisia Aprodosi 6c 20m ***

Steep and fingery

11 Happy New Year 6b+ 20m *
12 Scolatina 7a 22m **

Technical and fingery

13 HADA 7b+ 25m **

good even though still some fragile rock

14 Booze 7c+ 25m ***

Bouldery and technical

15 Dida 7b 22m ***
16 La Moya 7b 22m ***
17 Trufa 7b 25m **


18 Piranha 7a+ 15m **
19 First Blood 8a+ 25m ***
21 Pou Pai o Popeye 8b+ 20m ***
25 Kakai 8b 25m
26 Talos 6c+ 30m

On the grey wall beneath the big ledge

27 Kamara 7a 25m

On the grey wall

29 Sala 7b+ 25m

On the grey wall

30 Chips and Beer 7a+ 22m

on the grey wall

31 Thailand 7c+ 10m **

A short route on the right side of the gorge about 50m past the scramble

Crags in this region: