Rodellar - Criminal Tango

Steep climbing with a few excellent tufa climbs in the mid grades. Getting polished

Spain - Rodellar
Rock Type
Number of routes
Range of Routes
6b - 7b
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick
01 Welcome to hell 7b 20m
02 Baby gitano 6c+ 20m ***

Climbs left of Roxy to the steep tufa with good holds over the roof. Excellent

03 Roxy la palmera 6b+ 20m ***

The sustained tufa at the left hand side of the cave

04 Aranmanoth 6c 20m

Lovely climbing, bold clip in the middle

05 Ca cartonne sur les canyons 6c 12m
06 Criminal Tango 6c+ 12m
07 Massive attack 6b 20m **

The steep tufa at the right hand side just left of the yellow rock. Tricky

08 Mongul 6c 20m

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