Telendos Lambda

Long, sustained, single pitch wall climbs mostly with excellent holds in a beautiful location. An 80m rope is pretty much essential and even then tie a knot in the end.

Greece - Telendos
Rock Type
Number of routes
South West
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick
04 Lambda 6a+ 40m ***

A great route with one hard move near the start, and then sustained to the belay

05 Lambda Capital 7a+ 50m ***

The extension to Lambda Superb sustained strenuous climbing. Best to top rope Lambda and remove the quick draws to avoid rope drag

18 Gerwitscht 6c 40m ***

excellent, steady climbing all the way

19 Chardonnay 7a+ 40m ***

A beautiful sustained route with a short hard section. Best to belay from the top of the slab to avoid drag, and reach the ground.

20 El Alamein 6c 42m Gold

A superb climb above and to the left of the cave. scramble / Climb up to the base of the corner left of the cave and follow the bolts past a pocketed wall, smooth corner and another pocketed wall. 80m rope just reaches from the ground with stretch. Tie a knot

27 Telendos Star 6a+ 37m ***

A slab, a small overhang and then a steep wall. Classic. 80m rope probably necessary

40 Ze Seewjnen 5b 20m **

A pleasant slab

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