
A small but pleasant crag with good technical slab and wall climbing on rough limestone. Mostly well bolted, names at the bottom of the routes.

Germany - Bayern
Rock Type
Number of routes
Range of Routes
5c - 8a
South West
In the afternoon

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick

LUSTGROTTE. The first bit of crag you reach

11 Enter the Void 7b+
13 Dichmacher 7c

Climb the wall and make a traverse right above the overhang to finish at the lower off of Lustgrotte.

14 Zitter-Fippl 7b+

Direct to the lower off of Lustgrotte

15 Lustgrotte 6b

The slightly overhanging crack


LOWER WALL. The 10m high wall just to the right of Lustgrotte

21 (Keil)riss 5c 10m
22 Kosmetika 7c
23 Sonnenplatte 6b
24 Bonsai 7a+
25 Katscha 6c
26 Schneetreiben 7a
27 Ballonfahrt 7b


31 Linke 6b 60m

A nice route on the left hand side

32 Trödelmarkt 5c+ 30m

A tough start then pleasanter slabby climbing

33 Putzleman 6a 30m

Another nice route

34 Bua oder Madl 6b 25m

The shallow groove leads to an exposed move to a good hold at its top then a rightwards traverse and sustained climbing to the top.

35 Startproblem 6c
36 Salto 7a 25m

A hard start leads to an even harder small overlap that is traversed using undercuts, then bigger holds.

37 Däumling 7b
38 Durchfall 6a+ 25m

Hardest at the bottom, some fragile holds higher up.

39 Sadebaum 6c+
40 Gummifresser 6b 20m

A sustained slab

41 Dick 6a+
42 Doof 6a 20m

A grassy start leads to a slab then a tricky wall

43 Aurikel 6a
44 Habedidit 5c
45 Rampe 5c 25m
46 Schuchbandl 7a
48 Boulderweg 7b+ 30m


49 Longway 7c
50 Ruck-zuck 7b
52 Sam Splint 6a+
53 Kartoffel-Kini 5c+ 25m
54 Panorama 6c+

Crags in this region: