
One of the best and most popular crags in the North of the Vosges. Langenfels has many excellent, well bolted routes on a number of towers.  A beautiful place with some excellent climbing. In the heat of summer, the small lake just down the road offers ice cream, beer,  sunbathing and swimming.

France - Vosges
Rock Type
Range of Routes
5c - 7c
Depends on the sector, you can move around to get more or less sun as necessary.
Climbing Area

Sport and bolted routes

Topo Ref Route Sport Grade Length Quality Description Tick

LA GRANDE TOUR. The first tower up from the Tourist Forsthaus complex

A01 Haut/Bas fragile 6a+ 20m

The route furthest left on the north west side. Sandy.

A02 Un balcon en foret 6b+ 20m
A03 L'anxiolithique 6b+ 20m

Just left of the corner

A04 Normalweg 5a 20m

The corner. Sparsely bolted

A05 Faux picasso, vrai pique-assiette 6b+ 25m

To the right of the corner

A06 Fleckensteinerweg 6a 25m

A popular route on the west side, with nice views to Fleckenstein

A07 Rue de Fil 6c 30m

The left hand route on the long south face

A08 Poulpe friction 7a 30m

This and the next 3 south face routes all finish at the same lower off

A09 Normale sup 6b+ 30m

A variation start to poulpe friction

A10 Vol des chauves-souris 6c 30m
A11 Chauve qui peut 6c+ 30m
A12 Talwand 6a 30m

A long route up the slab and crack on the right of the south face

A13 L'invitation au voyage 7a 30m

Shares the same start with the next two routes, this is the left hand route

A14 La montée de l'insignicance 7a 30m
A15 Lemures et lamentations 6c 30m

The last of the three routes. Finishes up the wall left of Ostwandriss

A16 Ostwandriss 6a+ 20m

The obvious crack on the south east side

A17 Les phobies berbére 7a 20m

The wall right of the crack is not easy

A18 la petite maure 7a 20m

Nice technical moves in the middle

A19 La maure aux trousses 6b 20m
A20 Les 39 marches 6a 20m

ANDROS. The 2nd sector is mostly friendly overhangs located on the southeast side

B01 Manon Lascaux 6a 15m

The first route at the left hand side

B02 L'AB prévaut 6b 15m

Same lower off as Manon

B04 Andro-pof 6c 15m
B05 Joie Lascaux 7a+ 15m
B06 Tautavel 6c 15m

The first of three excellent 6c overhangs

B07 La scorie jaune 6c 15m
B08 Tavelure 6c+ 15m
B09 Andras 6a+ 15m

The leftward slanting crack in the middle of sector B

B10 Version gélatine 6b 15m
B11 Andropopos 6b 15m
B12 Hiltinéris 5c+ 15m
B13 Unknown 5b 15m
B14 Sous les jupes des filles 15m
B15 Marc au Chorro 6a 15m
B16 Highstone 6a+ 15m

Crags in this region: